
Before Sunday Comes- Prepare Your Heart for Easter

Jesus is calling our hearts closer. He is summoning us to follow Him in His every movement. He pours onto our lives abundant life, endless grace, and He is with us through it all.

All because of the gospel. All because of the coming, the crucifixion, and the resurrection.

The Story of the world hangs on this moment in time, this great climax.

Where He died. Where the world lived in darkness, in defeat, for all of Saturday. Where He defeated the forces of darkness and rose to life, winning the victory of the Story and bringing with Him life eternal.

What a glorious day! Oh, what a glorious day.

Sometimes, however, the busyness of life and the smallness with which the world views Easter can prevent us from seeing clearly how glorious Easter is and how much it means to the Story of God. We get caught up in the end of the school year, in buying new dresses, and in seeing family. These things aren't bad at all, but, man, do they pale in comparison to Jesus RISEN FROM THE GRAVE.

So I'm challenging myself to prepare my heart, mind, soul, and even body for Easter. I want to focus on this marvelous grace and incomparable power. I want to see the gospel through the eyes of the Spirit.

Come, prepare your heart for Easter with me.

To help me, and anyone else who wants to join with me, do that, I've created a list of resources that do a great job of showing different truths of Easter. Check out these posts, videos, and songs throughout the next few days as we prepare our hearts for Easter.

1. Amanda with Scattered Journal Pages. 

Amanda has this wonderful habit of speaking so much truth to my soul, so of course I went to her blog to check out her previous Easter posts. This one is about something that God started to reveal to me last Sunday, so it was very timely:

Why Do You Seek the Living Among the Dead?

But really, you should probably check out all of her Easter posts.

2. Children's Eater Videos

On the lighter side of things, I found some hilarious but simplistically truthful videos of children explaining Easter.

3. "For the Cross" Music Video 

This video, compiled from clips of History Channel's "The Bible," reminded me how real Jesus was. He laughed, cried, smiled, and cringed. The joy was real. The pain was real. The love is real. 

4. Beth Moore

Beth Moore walks us through the anticipation and the glory of the gospel in a powerful, visual way. I watched this short talk twice already today because the Spirit used it to bring my heart closer to the feet of Jesus.

Beth Moore has a blog post that goes very well with this talk, and be sure to read until the end of it!

Glorious Resurrection Day He's Already Up

And just in case you want more of Beth Moore, here's longer talk that she gave on the Friday of Easter week. I plan on watching it on Friday.

It Is Finished- A Message That Might Be Fitting for Holy Week

5. Grace In Everything

I also wrote a couple of Easter posts that I like to reread every year. Two years ago, I wrote a poem of how Easter Sunday changes everything:

Sunday Is Coming

I also wrote a story of Mary Magdalene:

Jesus Calls Us Close

6. Worship Songs

Last but not least on this list of Easter preparation resources is a playlist of songs that lead out hearts to worship the RISEN KING!!! 

With these resources and mainly the Word of God, we have no excuse. It is time to prepare our hearts for Easter and live every day in light of the glorious day where Jesus won the victory and changed history forever.

Soi Deo Gloria,

Princess Hannah


  1. Love this post <3 so true. Thanks for sharing this!!


  2. This is such a lovely post to come across!! Thanks ever so much for following me on Twitter too :-)

